Lubron HX
USACE TR 99/104 Approved Failure Critical Bearing
LUBRON HX bearings are constructed of a proprietary machinable liner system containing a homogenous mixture of solid lubricants in a specially designed resin system that is bonded to corrosion-resistant bearing materials suitable for long-term submersion in water.
LUBRON HX bearings provide dependable performance and long term service life, require no supplemental lubrication, and are completely maintenance-free. LUBRON HX bearings offer maximum resistance to wear under the harshest operating conditions.
Pintle Bearing
LUBRON HX bearings have been tested at Powertech Labs per US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) (CERL TR #99/104) as well as similar testing performed in-house. LUBRON HX exceeded USACE required performance for both wet and dry test programs. LUBRON HX bearings exhibited nearly zero wear in both dry and wet tests for loads up to 4,300 psi (302 kg/cm2) long term continuous operation, and short-term operation up to 8,000 psi (562 kg/cm2).
Types of Applications
- Miter Gate Pintle Bearing Assemblies (Ball & Socket)
- Miter Gate Linkage Spherical Plain Bearings & Bushings (shown below)
- Vertical Lift Gate Roller Wheel Assemblies
- Floating Mooring Bitt Bushings
- Wicket Gate Stem Bushings
- Wicket Gate Linkage Bushings